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Τρίτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Η επίσημη αιτία θανάτου του Steve Jobs

Αποκαλύφθηκε το πιστοποιητικό θανάτου του Steve Jobs σύμφωνα με το οποίο η επίσημη αιτία είναι αναπνευστική ανακοπή και όγκος στο πάγκρεας.
Steve Jobs died at home of respiratory arrest and a pancreatic tumor at about 3 p.m. on Oct. 5, according to his death certificate. His occupation was listed as “entrepreneur.”
Η κηδεία του Steve Jobs πραγματοποιήθηκε την περασμένη Παρασκευή σε μια ιδιωτική τελετή σε στενό οικογενειακό περιβάλλον.

Η Apple, επίσης, ετοιμάζει ένα είδος συγκέντρωσης προς τιμήν του Jobs στα κτήρια στο Cupertino όπως αναφέρει e-mail που έστειλε ο Tim Cook στους υπαλλήλους.
Like many of you, I have experienced the saddest days of my lifetime and shed many tears during the past week. But I’ve found some comfort in the extraordinary number of tributes and condolences from people all over the world who were touched by Steve and his genius. And I’ve found comfort in both telling and listening to stories about Steve.
Although many of our hearts are still heavy, we are planning a celebration of his life for Apple employees to take time to remember the incredible things Steve achieved in his life and the many ways he made our world a better place. The celebration will be held on Wednesday, October 19, at 10am in the outdoor amphitheater on the Infinite Loop campus. We’ll have more details on AppleWeb closer to the date, including arrangements for employees outside of Cupertino.
I look forward to seeing you there.

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