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Δευτέρα 7 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Photoshop και Premiere Elements 10 Editor στο Mac App Store

Διαθέσιμες είναι στο Mac App Store οι δύο νέες εφαρμογές της Adobe για Mac, Premiere Elements 10 Editor και Photoshop Elements 10 Editor.
Και οι δύο ειδικές εφαρμογές διατίθενται προς 62.99€ έκαστη στο Mac App Store και πρέπει να σημειώσουμε ότι δεν περιλαμβάνονται σε αυτές το Elements Organizer για την οργάνωση των φωτογραφιών σας, υποστήριξη για case-sensitive HFS καθώς και το Smartsound στο Premiere Elements 10 Editor.
Ωστόσο, μπορείτε εάν δεν θέλετε αυτές τις ελλείψεις να αγοράσετε τις πλήρεις εκδόσεις των δύο εφαρμογών αφού έχουν κυκλοφορήσει εδώ και λίγες βδομάδες στην τιμή των $99 έκαστη μέσω retail αγοράς.
Τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά του Photoshop Elements 10 Editor είναι:
  • Go from flawed to phenomenal in seconds with automated options that help you get great results with just a few clicks. Simply paint effects and patterns on photos to achieve stunning results.
  • Count on step-by-step assistance—Let Guided Edits help you achieve both basic edits and artistic effects by walking you through each step. New options help you create dramatic Depth of Field, Picture Stack and Orton effects.
  • Make unwanted photo elements vanish with one stroke of the enhanced Spot Healing Brush that fills in backgrounds beautifully, powered by the content-aware fill technology from Adobe Photoshop.
  • Create the perfect photo by easily combining the best from multiple photos. Create great group shots, expanded panoramas, perfectly lit shots, and more.
  • Share the way you want using flexible templates to create photo books, cards, calendars, and more. Add curvy, flowing text that automatically flows around subjects, shapes or any path you choose.

To Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Editor μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε εδώ.
Τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά του Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Editor είναι:
  • Create a polished movie instantly—InstantMovie automatically edits together your best clips with coordinated music, titles, and effects from your choice of movie theme. Enjoy over 30 fun themes.
  • Save time with automated options—Fix shaky footage, color and lighting problems, trim away all but your best footage, and balance audio elements to give you professional-quality sound throughout your movie.
  • Easily do more with video clips and photos—Make all your memories shine whether they’re captured on video or in photos. Enhance color in video clips as easily as with photos, and quickly bring photos to life using customized pan and zoom motions.
  • Quickly add professional polish with TV-style visual and audio effects.
  • Showcase clips and movies anywhere, including on discs, HD TVs, Facebook and YouTube™. Also share via convenient DVD-style viewing experience online.

To Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Editor μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε εδώ.


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